Field Type

The right tool for the right job, as the saying goes. Use these powerful elements to power-up your forms.
Written by Nick Laughton
Updated 2 years ago

Field Types work in conjunction with Binding Type to help provide boundaries for user data that makes their input more accurate and valuable. When you add a new field to a form, the default is for that to be a Text Field with a Binding Type of String, but imagine if every field allowed any kind of data to be entered?  Forms would end up with numbers in the name field, snarky comments in the birthday field and who knows what else? Using the right Field Type helps create a better user experience, even if it comes at the cost of amusing birthday jokes. 

Checkbox Field - The Checkbox Field is used for questions that have yes and no answers (aka "true" and "false"). The Binding Type for a Checkbox is Boolean. You can check or uncheck the box, and checked always means "Yes" or "true." A common use of Checkboxes on a form is a checklist of questions that all have a Yes or No response. Each item on the checklist would be a stand-alone field. If the question has more than one answer (of "true" or "false") then you should use a different Field Type for that item on your form.

The Checkbox can be problematic in that if it is a required field then only a checked field is considered as valid. In this case, you may want to consider using the Yes No Field. (See below)

Currency Field - When your form needs to handle properly formatted monetary amounts, the Currency Field is the one to use. The currency field will show a dollar-sign in front of entered values. By default it displays 2 decimal spots, but it can be adjusted to show more or less them on the form by changing the Decimal Places value in the field settings. The Binding Type for the Currency Field is Currency.

Date Field - The Date Field is for entering the month, year and date into a form. This field does not capture time. By default, a new Date Field will default to a Binding Type of Date. These fields also include a date-picker which lets users graphically select a valid date. Users can manually enter a date, but it must be formatted in the mm/dd/yyyy format. It would be a best practice to include that in the Hint entry under the field settings.

Date Time Field - Sometimes your form needs the Date and the Time. The Date Time Field defaults to a Binding Type of Date with Time. The easiest way to make an entry is to use the built-in date/time picker, but you can manually enter values in the mm/dd/yyyy,hh:mm format. (Note: There is a comma between the years and hours.) An am or pm can be appended after the minutes (with a space before it) and the field can also keep track of the seconds. (ie: 02/15/2020, 10:30 AM)

Decimal Field - When your form needs to display a number with a specific number of decimal places. By default it displays 1 decimal place, but it can be adjusted to show more on the form by changing the Decimal Places value in the field settings. The Binding Type for the Decimal Field is Decimal.

Document Attachment Field - The Document Attachment Field gives you the necessary controls to upload a document as part of your form. Clicking the upload icon on the field control opens a dialog to let users find the document they want to attach. Some setup is required to make the Document Attachment Field function properly and a detailed article is available here.

Dynamic Select Field - The Dynamic Select Field lets you create drop-down menus for your forms. The "regular" Select Field also does this, but difference is that the Dynamic Select Field allows the selection values to be fed from a dynamic list like a service that calls a database to get it's values. The Options Actions in the field settings allow the user to define the Action to call the service. The Display Property and Value Property field settings allow for setting the Name and Value for the selection list. A default display value can be set in the Default field setting. A common usage for a selection field that is required is: Please select one.

Email Address Field - The Email Address Field is one of several specialized fields created to support common form needs. This field includes email address format validation and a default error message that makes it easy for a user to add this to their form without the need for any customization. The Binding Type for the Email Address Field is Email Address.

Employer Identification Number Field - The Employer Identification Number Field is one of several specialized fields created to support common form needs. This field includes EIN format validation and a default error message that makes it easy for a user to add this to their form without the need for any customization. The Binding Type for the Employer Identification Number Field is Employer Identification Number.

HTML - When you need to inject brief sections of highly formatted text into your form, the HTML field lets you insert properly formatted strings of text. A common use would be to create a line to put between form sections by creating an HTML field which includes the code "<hr/>" to create a horizontal-line. There is no Binding Type associated with HTML.

Heading - A heading can be placed on the form to designate a specific section of data and lend understanding to the requirements of the form. A Heading's Label, Heading Level (1-4) and Width can be set in the field settings. The default Heading Level (font size) is set to 1 and the default width is set to 100. There is no Binding Type associated with Heading.

Icon Button - Icon Buttons use a simple image rather than a labeled Raised Button to give users a clickable interface to perform actions on a form. The icons are created by using one of the available keywords as the Icon Name value in the field settings. Available icons are derived from the Material Design collection. A complete list is available there. Common examples include add, delete, edit, home, save, refresh and help. You will find more than 850 icons for almost any function you're likely to need on your forms. There is no Binding Type associated with Icon Button.

Note: Remember that the Icon Button won't actually do anything unless you also assign an action in the Click Actions field setting.

Image - The Image form element allows users to upload and display an image on the form they are running. One use case could be a photo related to an insurance claim that needs to be viewed by the user and possibly the following BAW tasks. This is different from a Document Attachment (see above) which would allow the user to upload an image but the image would have to be downloaded again to view it. If you want to display an Image on your form, like a Company Logo, you should use the Static Image Field. (See below)

Note: Support for the Image field is coming in a future release.

Integer Field - When your form needs to display a whole number on a form, you can use the Integer field. The default format validation only allows for whole numbers but a Minimum Value and a Maximum Value can be set in the Field Settings. The Binding Type for the Integer Field is Integer.

Link Field - The Link Field lets users add functioning web links into their form submissions. The field includes an editing tool for changing the Link, as well as the ability to click and test the link once it's been entered.

Multiline Field - Multi Line lets users input multiple lines of text. It is ideal for short descriptions, call-notes or any form field where more than a sentence or two of information is needed to be captured. If you're going to need markup (bold, italic, underline) in the entry, you'll want to skip Multiline and use the Rich Text Field Type.

You can set the default Minimum Rows for display in the Field Settings. The Binding Type for the Multiline Field is String.

Paragraph - When your form needs to simply display some informational text on the page, the Paragraph Field is a good choice. Just add the field and set the Text Content in the Field Settings. There is no Binding Type associated with Paragraph.

Phone Number Field - The Phone Number Field is one of several specialized fields created to support common form needs. This field includes standard 10 digit format validation and masking as well as a default error message. This makes it easy for a user to add this to their form without the need for any customization. The Binding Type for the Phone Number Field is Phone Number.

Radio Buttons Field - A Radio Button is used when you need users to select one of two or more options, but the answer must be exclusive. When a user clicks an option on a Radio Button, it automatically deselects any previous choice for the field. When you're considering using Radio Buttons, remember that the choices can become visually overwhelming and if a field exceeds four or five choices, it might be better to use a Select Field instead. Also, it's best to use Radio Buttons for required fields because once a selection has been made you can't reset the field to have nothing selected. You can set the Options for Radio Buttons by clicking the "+" icon on the Field Settings and adding a Value and Name. The Binding Type for the Radio Button Field is String.

Raised Button - Raised Buttons are the classic button style for labeled actions like Save, Submit, and Cancel. You get four different color choices which are associated with the function you want for your buttons. (Primary, Accent, Warn, No Color) These are set by selecting the Color in the Field Settings. Assign your button colors to match the severity or imperative behind the button's action.

Best practice is to set your button's Width to Contents in the Field Settings. This will give you better layout results on your forms, especially if you are going to group together several buttons in a section. Y

The Action of a Raised Button can be assigned a variety of values, and even a list of actions to be carried out in sequence. These are set in the Click Actions in the Field Settings.

There is no Binding Type associated with Raised Button.

Rich Text - The Rich-Text Field Type lets you apply a variety of text formatting. It is the ideal element for including elaborate instructions with bold, italic, underlined or bulleted text. The field settings includes a WYSIWYG style text editor, similar to those used in word-processing programs. The toolbar has several icons which should be familiar to most users.

Note: Support for the Image field is coming in a future release.

Select Field - The Select Field lets you create drop-down menus for your forms. You can set the Options for a Select Field by clicking the "+" icon on the Field Settings and adding a Name. When you have made all your entries, you might want to have a default value. Use the Default field in the Field Settings to enter a valid selection, otherwise the field will default to have no value. If you need to have your options list fed by a dynamic service (ie. From a database read service) you should use the Dynamic Select Field. (See above). The Binding Type for the Select Field is String.

Signature Field - The Signature Field is one of several specialized fields created to support common form needs. This field includes an area for the user to sign the form without the need for any customization. The Binding Type for the Signature Field is Signature.

Social Security Number Field - The Social Security Number Field is one of several specialized fields created to support common form needs. This field includes standard 9 digit format validation and masking as well as a default error message. This makes it easy for a user to add this to their form without the need for any customization. The Binding Type for the Social Security Number Field is Social Security Number.

Static Image - The Static Image form element allows you to include various kinds of images (.jpg, .png, etc.) on your forms. Using the Static Image field requires you to upload the image as a Managed File in the BAW Process. To do this, you click the Upload File Icon in the Image File field in the Field Settings. (Note: This upload feature is currently under development). Alternately, the file can be directly upload the the Managed Web Files in BAW. There is no Binding Type associated with Static Image.

Note: If you need to have end users upload an image for display on a form, you need to use the Image form control. (See above)

Text Field - As the name implies, a Text Field allows for the entry of text. This Field Type defaults to a Binding Type Type of String. The Text Field Field Type allows for a very large amount of data to be entered, but if you want more text that would fill more than a single line, you should consider using Multiline Field (see above). By default, every new field added to a form starts out as a Text Field with a Binding Type of String.

Yes No Field - The Yes No Field is one of several specialized fields created to support common form needs. This field displays a Yes and No set of Radio buttons when you need to have a specific value selected and the Checkbox Field seems ambiguous. This makes it easy for a user to add this to their form without the need for any customization. The Binding Type for the Yes No Field is Boolean.

Columnar Field Types (see Table) - There are several Field Types that also have a columnar version for use in a Table. Their implementation and usage is very similar to the comparable Field Type. The list of Column Fields so far includes: Boolean, Currency, Date, Date with Time, Dynamic Select, Link, and Text.

Note: Support for the some of the Column Fields is coming in a future release.

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