Import or Export

Use the Import and Export tools to transfer Sections, Fields and Types to other Apex Forms instances
Written by Nick Laughton
Updated 1 year ago

When you want to move a copy of a Section, Field or Type to another server you can easily accomplish this using the Export/Import process. Apex Forms exports a these components as a .JSON file, which can then be imported into another server running Apex Forms.

Export a Component

To export your component, use the menu in the Section, Field or Type tab. Click the export icon (down-arrow over a line) and the component will be downloaded into your Download Directory.

Import a Component

From the Section, Field or Type tab, click the import icon (up-arrow under the line) located in the upper right corner of the page. Select the .JSON file containing the component that you wish to import.  Click "Open."  Refresh your browser page to see the imported component and then navigate to the imported Component to verify it.

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