
Sections help you organize your forms, and make re-use a breeze.
Written by Nick Laughton
Updated 2 years ago

Sections allow you to organize your form's Fields into useful, logical groupings. There are multiple Section Types which allow you to present your Section to users in a variety of formats. 

When Apex Forms Designer is launched, all the available process apps are listed on the page. Clicking on any of the Process App (or Toolkit) tiles will navigate you to the specific home page. You can manage all your sections by navigating to the "Sections" tab on process home page.

In the Sections tab, all the available sections in the current process app will be listed in an alphabetical order. You will have an option to Add a new section by typing the name below the current sections list. You can open an existing section by clicking on its name.

Section Properties

Sections are WYSIWYG just like Forms, you can see how the section will appear, and edit it inline. Single-click on the section to open the properties dialog. Double-clicking the section will open it so you can edit the underlying section definition.

Section Types

Several section types are available:

  • Section - Section is the basic Section Type when you create a new Section on your form. All of the Fields inside your Section will be grouped together and behave according to the Layout.

  • List - Choose this type when you have list (eg. Contacts) and you would like to present a set of fields. It behaves somewhat like a Table (see below). It is designed to be bound to a List of items, and when this type of Section is displayed on a form, it steps through the data and presents each collection of items as a row of tabular data. These sections use normal Field Types to display their data.

  • Table - A Table is designed to display columnar data. Like the Repeating Row, it should be bound to an Array, but the Fields in a Table all need to be of the X-Column Field Type. (i.e. - Text Column, Date Time Column, Number Column, Currency Column)

  • Expansion Panel - Expansion Panels create collapsible groupings that can be displayed expanded or collapsed. One of the settings allows you to control the default based on variables and conditions similar to those used in Form Validation.

  • Tabs - The Tabs Section is for creating a tabbed view of the available data using the content fields.

Section Settings

Each Section has a variety of settings that can affect how the contents will appear on Forms. These are mostly similar to what you will see in Field settings, but a few deserve additional explanation.

Name - the name of your section. Make sure you name your section in such a way that you will recognize what its purpose is and to distinguish it from other potentially similar section names.


Layout determines how the data flows within a Section. There are three choices: Wrap, Row and Column.

  • Wrap - Wrap fits all the Fields into as few rows as possible. If the data exceeds the visible Width, the remaining Fields will be pushed to the next row within the Section.

  • Row - Row fits all the Fields into a single Row.

  • Column - Column arranges the Fields vertically, each Field below the previous.

Two Sections set to a Column Layout and 50% Width can fit tidily side-by-side on a Form. You can experiment to find other useful configurations for your designs.

Default Content Width - This is the widest percentage of the browser-window that the form can utilize. You can leave it to the default "Responsive" setting to allow the page to adjust automatically. More info here.

Load / Change Actions - These are Actions that execute when a Section loads or changes. This is where you can set up Workflow interactions, variables and other behaviors for your forms.

Information Tree - The Information Tree shows a hierarchical view of the data model in a simple slash-notation.

More details on other settings properties can be found here.

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