Apex Healthcare Toolkit

Details on the Apex Healthcare Toolkit and how it works.
Written by Nick Laughton
Updated 1 year ago

Apex HealthCare Toolkit


The Apex Healthcare toolkit is to be used with IBM Business Automation Workflow to easily gain access to the National Provider Identifier data (https://npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov/) from inside your workflow application. It provides various ways for the data to be searched and returns all of the information for each provider returned based on the parameters. Descriptions of the search parameters and returned data can be found on the site referenced earlier.

Objects in the toolkit:

Business Objects:

ApexNPIAddress – This business object represents the address data returned from the query.

ApexNPIBasic – This business object represents the basic data returned from the query service.

ApexNPIEndpoint - This business object represents the endpoint data returned from the query service.

ApexNPIIdentifier - This business object represents the personal identifier data returned from the query service.

ApexNPIOtherName - This business object represents the other name data returned from the query service.

ApexNPIPracticeLocation - This business object represents the practice location data returned from the query service.

ApexNPIResult - This business object represents the full set of finished data returned from the query service.

ApexNPITaxonomy - This business object represents the taxonomy data returned from the query service.

NPIAddresses – This business object represents the raw address data returned from the query service for the address properties.

NPIBasic – This business object represents the raw basic data returned from the query service.

NPIEndpoint - This business object represents the raw endpoint data returned from the query service.

NPIErrors – This business object represents the raw error messages returned from the query service.

NPIIdentifiers - This business object represents the raw personal identifiers data returned from the query service.

NPIOtherNames - This business object represents the raw other name data returned from the query service.

NPIOutput – This business object represents the full data set that is returned from the call to the NPI API.

NPIPracticeLocations - This business object represents the raw practice location data returned from the query service.

NPIResults - This business object represents the full set of raw provider data returned from the query service.

NPISearch – This business object represents the properties used when building the query for the query service.

NPITaxonomy - This business object represents the raw taxonomy data returned from the query service.


NPI API Call – This service makes the actual call using the NPI API 2.1 endpoint, translates the raw data into the proper business objects for use on the output side of the service.


NPIParameters (NPISearch) – This is the set of parameters to be used in the API Call.


ApexResults (ApexNPIResults)(List) – This is a list of returned Providers based on the passed in criteria

httpStatusCode (Integer) – This is the https returned status code

NPIErrors (NPIErrors) – This is a list of errors returned by the API Call


titleCase.js – This file contains a function to adjust the case of the returned data if desired.


Add the toolkit as a dependency in your application

Build a certificate to allow the external server call

1. Login to the WAS administrative console. Expand Security and click SSL certificate and key management.

2. Under Configuration settings, click Manage endpoint security configurations.

3. Select the appropriate outbound configuration to get to the (cell):PCCell1 management scope.

4. Under Related Items, click Key stores and certificates and click the CellDefaultTrustStore key store.

5. Under Additional Properties, click Signer certificates and Retrieve from Port.

6. In the Host field, enter npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov in the host name field, enter 443 in the Port field, and npiregistry.cms.hhs.gov_cert in the Alias field.

7. Click Retrieve Signer Information.

8. Verify that the certificate information is for a certificate that you can trust.

9. Click Apply and Save.

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